Every evening, I talk to Eleanor for usually an hour before she falls asleep via text message. Tonight the conversation started with my complaint of homework (which will require an entirely different post to describe my challenges in school...) Soon Eleanor suggested I read her blog post from today. Eager for a distraction from Experience History Volume One I logged onto her blog and found the story of how God broke through to her heart. It moved me, to tears actually. I highly recommend you read it for yourself.
The way Eleanor talks about her faith helped to build the fire in my soul for God back up. I had a really hard time when I came to college, and while I knew that God loved me in my head, it was very hard for me to reconcile that with the feelings of loneliness that I was feeling in my transition to school. Eleanor was a part of something called Cru, or Campus Crusade for Christ, and I was curious. I had already tried a different on campus faith group and decided they weren't for me, but I hadn't heard about Cru so what did I have to lose? Nothing.
What did I have to gain? Everything. Upon hearing the group of students worshiping God with their music: I wept. I am so very grateful to feel close to God again. Thank you for your persistence God. I really appreciate you bringing wonderful people in my life like Eleanor to help bring me back to you.