Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm challenging you.

Today, I decided I am going to make a timeline of my life. It will include all of the events and people who have shaped me. I'm going to divide it into two sections; negative impacts and positive. I challenge you to do the same for the sake of getting to know yourself better.  

Since this was a short post, here are some pictures I found on my phone.

I found this in the History Dept.

This is a bruise I got from slipping down some stairs at Eleanor's house.

This is a really cool bug.

I named him Randy.

Larry and I were also pals. 

Goggs sent me a get better card for my knee

When we moved in, these guys were all over the place.

Here is a post squish comparison. He's a bigg'n alright.

Lucy-fur and Abby

Some one asked how my day was going.

Look how long my hair was!

This was a week after the previous picture.

I'm gettin' all handy up in hurr!

I built it all by myself! 

Intimidating, aren't I?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy I won't be getting VD tonight day!

Ah Valentine's day. Love is in the air, the birds are- bahaha! I'm sorry, I just can't do it. I suppose I should let you know that this blog is neither in praise or vilification of the 14th of February. In fact, this will be the only mention of it: Happy Valentine's Day friends!

Today, I made my way to Lighty for a standing appointment. Two things of note happened before my appointment. The first was something that made my day. I went to the coffee stand on the ground floor of the building because I needed a small pick me up. I ordered a raspberry mocha. Apparently my drink was not cooperating with her. The following conversation occurred after I looked at the mess:

Barista: "This has been my day."
Molly: "Oh... I'm sorry."
Barista: "It's really just the last 10 minutes."
Oh, since I've been here
Molly: "Oh man."
Barista: "It wasn't you, you're perfect in every way."
Molly: "I don't know about that, but thank you!"
Barista: "Have you been hearing that all day?"
Molly: "No..."
Barista: "You are. And you should hear it every day."

Strangest conversation I've ever had with a barista, but it was very nice at the same time. To those of you who know the Flix story, no, it was not Lisa.

The second thing that happened was I saw the person who called friends off on me. I have no idea if they saw me but it was still a little nerve wracking, and it made me the tiniest bit sad. I saw them last week, and they most definitely saw me. Awkward eye contact was made. 

Now for a new addition to my blog posts:
Band I've been listening to today: Augustana
Song I fell asleep to last night: Hammers and Strings- Jack's Mannequin 

Monday, February 13, 2012

ALL the inappropriate things!

Why hello friends,

This weekend has been very fun. Probably the most fun I've had this semester. On Friday I had coffee with someone new. That was very fun and I'm glad I went. After coffee, I went up to Spokane to see a Chiefs game, and spend a little time with Haddock. Chiefs won 5-4 over Seattle by the way, it was a really exciting game too! The best thing about this particular trip to Spokane was, we got back to Pullman at a decent hour.

On Saturday I slept most of the day. I wish I could say I got up and accomplished something, but I woke up at 4:30 and emerged from my room at 5:30... Then I headed off to Liv and Brianna's for Holly's birthday party. We played Quelf. Ever played? Me neither. I did have to construct a fort in 2 minutes, and wear a homemade snorkel though. My snorkel consisted of chemistry goggles and a straw to breath through. At one point I was also supposed to show of my ballet moves. My...impaired... brain thought it would be a good idea to start off with spinning. NOPE! I couldn't stop... Many inappropriate things we said, most of which I cannot share with you, but rest assured, fun times were had by all.

On Sunday I woke up at 4:30 and haven't gone back to sleep yet. Does that make up for Saturday? I also went to Post Secret Live. It was very moving and I encourage you to go if there's one near you. After that Emily, Eleanor, and I headed to Cafe Moro. I had never been there before tonight but I think I will be studying there from now on.

Ok, I know you must be wondering about the title: I will now bestow upon you the most inappropriate (yet internet friendly) things that escaped my mouth this weekend.

While playing King's Cup: I flipped over and king and declared that after I spoke every person in the room must say "fuck yeah!".

While at Cafe Moro: A cop was talking about combat training and says "and then I'm good to roll around for 20 minutes" without thinking I said "I'd roll around with you for more than 20 minutes" I'm pretty sure he didn't hear me.

Bonus: Sent from me to Robb- "I am in credibly drunck. Like drunk enojgh to not care about errors. Bevause it's hard to make my thumbs works."   It was really hard to not edit that...

Ridiculously yours,
Molly Marie