Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rant-y rant rant

My computer lacks the ability to charge. That means until I can get that fixed, I will be using my phone and the library for all computing. This blog may or may not be perceived as a rant, personally I love both writing my own rants as well as reading other people's. I realize however that is not everyone's cup of caffeine.

Rant 1: My health has not been the best as of late. I have been to the ER 5 times in 7 weeks, I have started having panic attacks, and most recently I am dizzy. Not just "oh I'm dizzy for 10 seconds" no, I have been dizzy for 18 hours now. Not fun. I went to the doctor for that, he suggested that I do some exercises and prescribed me a medication that is supposed to treat both my panic attacks and my dizziness. I got the pill bottle and in big bold letters it says This medication may cause dizziness. Um what?!  Really? Really?. As for my ER visits I get to have more tests run because the others have been inconclusive.

Rant 2: When I find something out that rattles me, I tend to get a little on the obsessive side. Recently I found out someone who claimed to want nothing to do with me a couple of months ago has been asking mutual friends about me? Not. Okay. If you want me out of your life, stick to your guns. If you want me back in your life, talk to me. Stop being a coward. There cannot be an in between, it isn't fair to either of us.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I might be Spider Man

Except, I'm not a dude, I wasn't bitten by a radio active spider, and I do not have any of the skills a spider possesses... Other than that, I am exactly like Spider Man The radioactive substance was given to me intravenously and then I got to watch my organs glow on a screen while in a recumbent position in a nuclear medicine machine. Neat, huh? "Wow, your small intestine is lit up like the 4th of July!"- Nuclear Medicine Tech

Oooooh pretty! This is an image from someone else's scan.

Why, did I become radio active you might ask? Well, friends it started about a month ago. Almost to the day actually. On February 5th I started having abdominal pain. At first it was uncomfortable to walk, then it became uncomfortable to breathe and I called the advice nurse at my doctor's office. I was instructed to go the the emergency room. Getting there in and of itself was a tremendous task as I drive a manual transmission, and my darling roommate does not. When I got there they ran some tests and gave me some morphine. Nothing was solved, and I was told to come back if the pain came back after 48 hours... it did.

Over the last month I have been to the ER four times. On the 4th I demanded answers and was sent to a specialist who ordered my fancy super-hero-making test today. My powers include: laying very still, and charming the radiology department into buying me lunch.