It is 11 degrees below Zero in Pullman right now. It was beautiful today though, while in a meeting I got distracted by the glittery snow in the sunlight. It was amazing, I've never experienced this much snow or weather this cold before and I must say even though it's new and mildly scary (yesterday I was in legitimate danger of being run over by a car I was helping push out of the snow... I can see the headlines now 'WSU student run over by growth group leader on the way to religious meeting') I like it. College is about trying new things and sometimes they scare you...
This week I gave up soda, and tried to limit my sugar intake all together. I was successful! This very much surprised me! I have not had soda since Monday when I decided to really get serious about getting healthy, and I am proud to say I have been substituting dessert and other such items with yogurt! Who woulda thought? Oh, and the only coffee drink I purchased this week was both tall, and skinny and I consumed half of it before throwing it away. Apparently in Kimbrough there is a custodian who stands at the doors and tells you that you are not allowed to eat or drink in classrooms. It worked out to be for my own good anyways. =]
I have also been to the Rec twice this week, (and once more tomorrow) which is more than I went my entire first semester. I am so happy!
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