Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's like quicksand

I have not been sleeping well. I would like to say it's because I've taken up the attitude that sleep is for underachievers and I have taken the time that I would have used for sleep to do homework and and be productive. Unfortunately this is not the case.

Have you ever known doing something is bad for you, but you do it anyways? And then you're worried about what people will think, making you want to hide it. The fact that you're worried about what people will think to the point that you'll hide it just reaffirms that you shouldn't have been doing it anyways. This dilemma is causing me to lose sleep and have really weird dreams (the other night I lit the school on fire).

Here's the issue. I know it's bad for me but I don't want to stop. And to make it even more complicated, talking to this person doesn't have to be bad for me... but it always turns out that way. So simple solution right? Stop talking to this person. Problem: I don't want to. Why, you ask? I don't know.

So... why am I writing this? To get my thoughts out and possibly get your advice and thoughts at the same time.

Things that have made my day:
Crazy dreams about random band kids that I don't really know. Getting a higher A on my GenEd than I did last time. Talking to my sister who I really miss. Lunch with Chelsea and Eleanor! And I'm sure there's more to come.

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