Friday, January 27, 2012

Adventures in granola

I like to refer to one of my professors as Hippy-Prof. Hippy-Prof teaches my "granola" class. This class has nothing to do with the environment and it doesn't contain the word "studies" in it's department name. (If you caught the joke, you're probably as cynical as I am... that might not be a good thing.) Hippy-Prof likes to spoon feed us, a girl who sits in front of me once turned around and said "And today we'll finger painting, make macaroni crafts, and then we'll have nap time!" I like Hippy-Prof, but the senior is right, he coddles us. Our tests are online and thus open book, and every Friday we review the previous week's reading test. 

Today, Hippy Prof explained to us how the reviews would be conducted. This is when the class went from amusing to annoying to pretty uncomfortable for me. Annoying: We have to pick the 5 questions we think are most important to the chapter and write them in our class notebooks (which are checked at the end of the semester), we also have to pick a question that we deem interesting and write a 500 word summary on why it's interesting to us and how it can be applied to the world today. Uncomfortable: We play a game to review. One side of the room asks another side of the room a review question. Ok, no big deal, right? Except remember when I said I was doomed to the lefty seat for the rest of the semester? No? Well, to ask a question you have to call on a specific person off the seating chart... Yes, friends whoever asks a question gets to draw everyone in the room's attention to a specific person. If you miss a question the other team gets two bonus points. 

Other things I learned today: 
  • Ever think about why shipping is called shipping? Yeah, me neither. Until today when my Modern European History prof was telling us about the seafaring Dutch merchants who owned shipping companies. 
  • If you aim to wake up in between sleep cycles it's easier to get up, even if you only got 3 hours (2 sleep cycles) of sleep.
  • Sometimes typos make for the best inside jokes with best friends.
This weekend I'm going to a Coug hockey game. : ) Go Cougs!

Ridiculously yours,
Molly Marie

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lose ALL the sleep!

It's no secret that I am an over-thinker. That fan letter I wrote in December? It was returned to me because I had the wrong zip code. I intended to just fix the recipient address and send it right back on it's way. Yet, it still sits in my car 4 weeks later... not due to laziness either. In my nightly conversation with Ace I told her that I might rewrite it. "What! I like it!" "It seems so ridiculous. It makes me feel like I'm 12." "What! You're over thinking it!" Why yes, yes I am. This led to discussion of how my brain likes to race around at night.

When I can't sleep I like to play music to soothe myself. My current song is We Are Young by Fun. I used to listen to The Format (Nate Ruess is the lead singer in both bands) to go to sleep in middle school. So the song helps me fall asleep. Even when there is ice crashing against my window at all hours of the night. It finally occurred to me to play the song as loud as I could on repeat at about 4:30 am.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Quote ALL the professors!

It's a new semester and for me a new major. By the way one of the most offensive things you can say to someone who's changed their major more than once is "Again?" or "why?" but I digress... Since in the first 3 days of classes I got some gems from my profs I thought I'd share them so you too can laugh with (and in some cases at) my professors too.

History 101: I don't actually have quotes written down from him so this will be more of a class review...based on the first week, very thorough I know. This prof is very granola he's the kind of prof who refuses to call it a class but insists it's a learning community. I had the grave misfortune of coming to class late enough that only lefty seats were available, 10 minutes later I found out that's my seat for the rest of the semester. Not only is that my seat for the rest of the semester but the prof is going to give a copy of the seating chart to everyone in the class so we can "get to know each other". Before you speak you have to state your name.

The first 3 minutes of every class is devoted to getting to know someone new. I told Ace about that and her remark was "Oh, I bet you love that." The sarcasm  in her voice was 100% necessary as if I had it my way I could just learn by being a fly on the wall and never needing to introduce myself to a classmate. Speaking of introducing yourself...   This was our first assignment "Introduce yourself and say 'hello' to two other class members. IF there are already two responses on someone's post, find a post with only one or no responses. In your self-intro, be sure to include the following as well as a picture (if you can):
Full name (w/ nickname) -- Home city, state & country -- Year at WSU (Freshman, Soph, Jun, Sen) -- Major (& Minor, if you have one) -- WSU activities (sports, band, drama, councils, etc) -- Goals, dreams -- Hobbies, favorite things to do -- Favorite songs & artists, books & authors, TV shows, movies, actors, actresses, artists, idols/heroes, etc -- Travels, special trips, memorable events"  I chose to write about hockey for the hobbies portion. Oh and 15% of my grade can either be a creative project on something related to Classical and Christian Europe OR an 8-10 page paper about my history as a person and who and what shaped me. We 75 minutes to complete a 30 question weekly reading test that's multiple choice, true/false, or check all that apply. I sense that even though I will have a strong urge to scoff at Weller's hippie ways, I will do well in his class.

History 102: My prof walked in on the first day and immediately opened up youtube and played "Ghost Town" by the Specials. Cool prof thinks he's cool. The course consists of 4 papers and 2 exams. In regards to the papers he said "Some of you might get your first papers back and say 'woah, that guy's a dick!'" Well, challenge accepted sir. He also made several references to his page on Apparently someone wrote that he stares "icily"...that doesn't look like a word to me. that's gonna drive me nuts... in response to this accusation he said "If I stare at you like this it'll be because you're doing something dumb. like sleeping in my class. There was a girl last semester who always was SO tired! I just wanted to shake her!" I suspect he has a touch of attention deficit disorder... Yesterday he got distracted while talking about Christmas and told us that Coca-Cola made Santa red and white. Who knew?

History 111: I know nothing about this class because the prof has failed to attend either scheduled lectures.

Sociology 101: I have mixed feelings about this one. If we're facebook friends you'll know I was bitching about being required to buy the 18 dollar syllabus. The prof while being a profiteer (again, is that a word?) is very funny. While talking about cell phones: "People think they're being clever by texting under the table, from up here it looks like they're playing with themselves. If you do that I will stare at you." While talking about laptops: "I thought it was great when laptops started coming to class until I found out [the students] were looking at porn!"

Anth 101: I'm pretty sure this prof comes to class high. While talking about her dyslexia: "Dudes, it's like, a disability." While talking about herself: "I may be a moron, but I'm a moron with a PHD who get's to tell you stuff" While talking about class policies: "I don't care if you have to drink a caffeinated drink, hell I don't care if you have to snort caffeine, just stay awake in my class. Or I'll embarrass you!"

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Friends Off

There are certain things that should be done in person. Serious conversations for instance should be done in person. Like oh say telling someone you're cutting them out of your life. Yeah, I'd definitely classify that as an in person conversation if you plan on telling them at all. I'd never actually heard of someone feeling the need to tell someone they're being phased out as a friend, I always though it just sort of happened. That is until the other night someone wrote me a facebook message about how I was no longer going to be involved in their life, nor they mine.

That's right, a friend informed me they didn't want to be my friend anymore. Haddock always jokes about saying "friends off" when I don't agree with her on something silly, but this person seriously called "friends off" on me. And then gave me permission to blog about it... In case any of you were wondering if I would have blogged about the incident regardless of permission being given; the answer is yes, I would have. Nobody controls this blog but me. I live in 'Merica.

I really wonder what has gotten into our generation that they think emails, facebook messages, and text messages are a decent medium for communication of serious issues. If you can't have a face to face conversation, and I mean physically cannot as opposed to being a coward, then a phone call is in order. I understand the allure of electronic communication when delivering bad news though. It's hard to punch someone in the face via the internet.

Monday, January 9, 2012

eat ALL the tacos!

Oh hey there type-y hands whatcha doing? Writing a blog post? Yupp!

If you don't know what I'm talking about then you should go read Specifically read the post about depression. If you're reading this in the present it's the newest post. If you're reading from the future you may have to search for it.

Tonight is my first night back in my apartment after almost a month of being off school. I was cuddled up in my bed watching Grey's Anatomy when a Jack in the Box ad came on. Then I remembered I had a coupon for 2 free Jack in the Box tacos because of the Cheif's game I saw on Friday. Have you ever had an insto-craving? I have. I needed those greasy gross delicious not-sure-if-it's-meat-but-I-don't-care-tacos and I needed them right then. I leaped from my bed and ran out to the living room. "Do you want to go to Jack in the Box with me?!" I half shouted as I bounded out of my room. "Um sure..." my roommate responded.

We got in the car and I drove us down Stadium Way. There are three drive ways on Stadium Way right before it intersects Grand. The first is to McDonalds, the second is actually a very wide pedestrian path, and the third is to Jack in the Box. Guess which one I took. If you guessed that I took my car onto the pedestrian path you are 100% correct. The conversation that followed:

Roomie: This a path for people to walk on
Me: What? I thought it connected.
Roomie: I don't think so.
Me: Shit. How do I get out?
Roomie: Maybe just drive in reverse?
Me: Nope... Uhhh hang on we're gonna pray that I can get back on the pavement after I drive off it to turn around.
*Many maneuvers*
Me: That was an 87 point turn!

I then made it into the Jack in the Box parking lot. Unfortunately my antics did not go un-noticed. I gave a sheepish wave to the boy staring at me with his mouth open as I went in the drive-thru. The tacos were worth it.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Post ALL the pictures!

Why hello friends (or foes... you know whatever floats your boat),

Last time we spoke, and by spoke I mean you read my thoughts that slipped past my "what should I write on the interwebz filter" I was talking about apologies and one particular apology in general. I'm happy to tell you that the particular example I chose to cite has been taken care of. So happy days for Molly.

I recently made a change on my facebook to include Haddock as my sister. After a little bit of fiddling with yet another layout change I figured out that to do this you need to add a life event. Whatever timeline is weird for now but I'm sure I'll get used to it after 3 weeks just like every other update facebook has ever forced upon angry users. <---Woo! A tangent! Anyways, the act of listing her as my sister made me think of how I have two families. A biological family and a camp family. I've been out of classes for about a month now and I've had the opportunity to celebrate the holiday season with both of my families who happen to be upwards of 350 miles away from each other. I already wrote a post of the shenanigans that ensued pre-Christmas so I will catch you up on what happened post leaving Spokane. I'm having Haddock taking a photo of me working on this post right now so there are more pictures. You are welcome.

I bought Jake sun staches for Christmas
I love my dog so much that I let her have my spot on the couch Christmas morning
Isn't my grandma cute?
My dad took me to a Winterhawks game on New Years Eve
Ice skating for my birthday!

Sibling love!

I don't remember why I'm laughing.


Dino pillow pet!
Persephone at a Chiefs game

Haddock and I at a Chiefs game

Watch ALL the hockey! Haddock made me this shirt for my  birthday!
This is me writing a blog post after staying up till 6:30 am.

I love both my families and had a great break! New Years Resolution: Be more open to making friends and be more approachable.