History 101: I don't actually have quotes written down from him so this will be more of a class review...based on the first week, very thorough I know. This prof is very granola he's the kind of prof who refuses to call it a class but insists it's a learning community. I had the grave misfortune of coming to class late enough that only lefty seats were available, 10 minutes later I found out that's my seat for the rest of the semester. Not only is that my seat for the rest of the semester but the prof is going to give a copy of the seating chart to everyone in the class so we can "get to know each other". Before you speak you have to state your name.
The first 3 minutes of every class is devoted to getting to know someone new. I told Ace about that and her remark was "Oh, I bet you love that." The sarcasm in her voice was 100% necessary as if I had it my way I could just learn by being a fly on the wall and never needing to introduce myself to a classmate. Speaking of introducing yourself... This was our first assignment "Introduce yourself and say 'hello' to two other class members. IF there are already two responses on someone's post, find a post with only one or no responses. In your self-intro, be sure to include the following as well as a picture (if you can):
Full name (w/ nickname) -- Home city, state & country -- Year at WSU (Freshman, Soph, Jun, Sen) -- Major (& Minor, if you have one) -- WSU activities (sports, band, drama, councils, etc) -- Goals, dreams -- Hobbies, favorite things to do -- Favorite songs & artists, books & authors, TV shows, movies, actors, actresses, artists, idols/heroes, etc -- Travels, special trips, memorable events" I chose to write about hockey for the hobbies portion. Oh and 15% of my grade can either be a creative project on something related to Classical and Christian Europe OR an 8-10 page paper about my history as a person and who and what shaped me. We 75 minutes to complete a 30 question weekly reading test that's multiple choice, true/false, or check all that apply. I sense that even though I will have a strong urge to scoff at Weller's hippie ways, I will do well in his class.
History 102: My prof walked in on the first day and immediately opened up youtube and played "Ghost Town" by the Specials. Cool prof thinks he's cool. The course consists of 4 papers and 2 exams. In regards to the papers he said "Some of you might get your first papers back and say 'woah, that guy's a dick!'" Well, challenge accepted sir. He also made several references to his page on ratemyprofessors.com. Apparently someone wrote that he stares "icily"...that doesn't look like a word to me. that's gonna drive me nuts... in response to this accusation he said "If I stare at you like this it'll be because you're doing something dumb. like sleeping in my class. There was a girl last semester who always was SO tired! I just wanted to shake her!" I suspect he has a touch of attention deficit disorder... Yesterday he got distracted while talking about Christmas and told us that Coca-Cola made Santa red and white. Who knew?
History 111: I know nothing about this class because the prof has failed to attend either scheduled lectures.
Sociology 101: I have mixed feelings about this one. If we're facebook friends you'll know I was bitching about being required to buy the 18 dollar syllabus. The prof while being a profiteer (again, is that a word?) is very funny. While talking about cell phones: "People think they're being clever by texting under the table, from up here it looks like they're playing with themselves. If you do that I will stare at you." While talking about laptops: "I thought it was great when laptops started coming to class until I found out [the students] were looking at porn!"
Anth 101: I'm pretty sure this prof comes to class high. While talking about her dyslexia: "Dudes, it's like, a disability." While talking about herself: "I may be a moron, but I'm a moron with a PHD who get's to tell you stuff" While talking about class policies: "I don't care if you have to drink a caffeinated drink, hell I don't care if you have to snort caffeine, just stay awake in my class. Or I'll embarrass you!"
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